JOLTs job openings 7.740M vs 7.630M estimate

  • Prior month 7.508M revised from 7.600M
  • Quits rate 2.1% versus 1.9% last month
  • Vacancy rate 4.6% versus 4.5% last month


  • Total separations in January remained stable at 5.3 million (3.3%).
  • Quits were unchanged at 3.3 million (2.1%), with increases in construction (+53K) and mining/logging (+6K).
  • Layoffs and discharges held steady at 1.6 million (1.0%), with a decline in mining/logging (-8K).
  • Other separations remained at 350K.
  • Hires in January remained steady at 5.4 million (3.4%).
  • Mining and logging hires declined by 6K.

This article was written by Greg Michalowski at