Career pivots are on the rise as job growth slows

The U.S. economy added 143,000 jobs in January which fell below analyst expectations, raising concerns about the strength of the labor market. Meanwhile, a recent Glassdoor report shows that 50% of professionals are planning a career pivot in 2025. Daniel Zhao, Lead Economist, Glassdoor, joined TheStreet to discuss the state of the labor market.

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CONWAY GITTENS: So how would Glassdoor describe the job market in 2025?

DANIEL ZHAO: Yeah well so I think right now the job market is at a point where it’s it’s kind of treading water, right. So the unemployment rate is still relatively low by historical standards. Wage growth is still coming in at a reasonable rate. But there are some signs that the job market is not as healthy or not really working for employees and job seekers in the way that it was even just a few years ago. 

CONWAY GITTENS: Right what are those signs? 

DANIEL ZHAO: Yeah so, for example, hiring has slowed down a lot and quitting has slowed down a lot. And those are generally signs that employers are hesitant to bring on new people. Right but also that employees are hesitant to take a risk and try to find that new job. And that’s often when people can get the most growth right. When you switch jobs, you can get a bigger raise. You can get, you know, a better title, you can get more career opportunities. For right now, a lot of people are sitting tight. They feel so even if they’re in a job, they might not be happy in that job right now. And I think that kind of characterizes the job market we have right now.

CONWAY GITTENS: So according to a recent Glassdoor survey, 50% of professionals are planning a career pivot in 2025. What do you make of that number and what does that say about the sentiment out there?

DANIEL ZHAO: Well, I think it’s really a sign that people do feel kind of stuck where they are right now, and they want to try something new. So like I was saying, there’s there’s this desire to quit, even if that opportunity isn’t necessarily there. So I think a lot of people are going to have to get creative and thinking about ways to try new things or get exposure to new fields or new areas that that they maybe want to explore. Right so maybe people are going to, you know, start exploring more side hustles, start exploring entrepreneurship as a path to getting exposure to those fields. And if they can’t necessarily just find a job in those sectors. 

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